This Notice is also available as a pdf.

A summary of the proposed guidelines is also available on our Proposed Apartment/Loft & Hotel Guidelines webpage.

New York City Rent Guidelines Board (RGB)

Notice of Public Hearings and Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Rules

What are we proposing?  Pursuant to its statutory mandate, the New York City Rent Guidelines Board (“RGB”) is proposing rent guidelines for October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

When and where are the hearings?  See information on the following pages for dates, times, and disability access.

How do I comment on the proposed rules?  Anyone can comment on the proposed rules by:

  • Website.  You can submit comments to the RGB through the NYC rules Web site at
  • Email.  You can email comments to [email protected].
  • Mail.  You can mail comments to the office of the RGB at 1 Centre Street, Suite 2210, New York, N.Y. 10007.
  • Audio.  You can leave a voicemail comment at 929-256-5472. You can also submit prerecorded audio comments up to two minutes in length. Instructions to upload your audio file can be found on the RGB’s website,
  • Video.  You can submit prerecorded video comments up to two minutes in length.  Instructions to upload your video can be found on the RGB’s website,
  • By Speaking at the Hearings.  Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rule at a public hearing must sign up to speak. Registration to speak will begin May 15, 2023. You can register online through our website,, or you can sign up to speak by calling 212-669-7480 from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. You can also sign up at the in-person public hearings from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on June 5, June 12 (rescheduled from June 8), and June 15. You can speak for up to two minutes.  Instructions for participating in the hearings can be found below.

Is there a deadline to submit comments?  The deadline to submit comments is June 15, 2023.  

What if I need assistance to participate in the Hearings?  You must tell the RGB by May 30, 2023 if you need a reasonable accommodation of a disability at a hearing. Spanish interpreters will be provided at each hearing. You must tell us by May 30 if you need a sign language interpreter or language interpreter for a language other than Spanish.  You can tell us by telephone at 212-669-7480 or by email at [email protected].  Advance notice is requested to allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation. 

Can I review the comments made on the proposed rules?  You can review the comments made online on the proposed rules by going to the website at Copies of comments submitted online, by email, through voicemail and by video will be available by calling 212-669-7480 or by email at [email protected].  A few weeks after the hearings, a transcript of oral comments concerning the proposed rule made at the hearings will be available.

What authorizes the NYC Rent Guidelines Board to make these rules?  Section 1043(a) of the City Charter, the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, as amended, and the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, as amended, implemented by Resolution No. 276 of 1974 of the New York City Council, authorize the RGB to make this proposed rule. The proposed rule was included in the most recent regulatory agenda for the RGB.

Where can I find the NYC Rent Guidelines Board rules?  The RGB rules are in Title 30 of the Rules of the City of New York.

What laws govern the rulemaking process?  The RGB must meet the requirements of Section 1043 of the City Charter when creating or changing rules. This notice is made according to the requirements of Section 1043 of the City Charter.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT SCHEDULES AND PROCEDURES RELATING to meetings and hearings of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board (“RGB” or the “Board”) for consideration of the guidelines for rent adjustments for apartment, loft and hotel dwelling units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, as amended, have been formulated. In accordance with Chapter 45 of the New York City Charter (the “City Administrative Procedure Act”), the Board has proposed rent guidelines, which are now being followed by a notice and comment period, public hearings and the promulgation of final rent orders. 

The proposed rent guidelines will be published in accordance with the City Administrative Procedure Act. The public will have a minimum of 30 days to review and consider the proposals at public hearings prior to the final Board meeting.

Following the hearings and the receipt of public comments on the proposed rent guidelines, the Board will meet on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. at The Great Hall at Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street at corner of 3rd Ave. (basement), New York, NY, 10003, to adopt final rent guidelines. [Please note that on June 13, 2023, a change in venue was announced: The Final Vote will be held June 21, 2023 at Assembly Hall, Hunter College, East 69th Street between Park and Lexington Avenues, New York, NY 10065.]

Apartment leases and loft increase periods during the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024 and rent stabilized hotel units will be affected. 


The schedule of Rent Guidelines Board meetings and hearings to consider such adjustments is as follows:

Thursday, May 25, 2023 Public Meeting  Landmarks Preservation Commission Conference Room
David N. Dinkins Municipal Building     
1 Centre Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10007
9:30 A.M. 
In-person/streamed live 
Wheelchair Accessible.
Monday, June 5, 2023 Public Hearing
(Public Testimony)
Main Theatre of Hostos Community College/CUNY
450 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY  10451
5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Public can view meeting via YouTube feed but must participate in-person to testify. Details below.
Interpretation Available: Spanish
This location has the following accessibility option(s) available: Wheelchair Accessible
Monday, June 12, 2023 Public Hearing
(Public Testimony)
[Please be advised that due to hazardous air quality issues, the hearing originally scheduled for Thursday, June 8 in Queens has been rescheduled for Monday, June 12, 2023 at the same time and location.]
Jamaica Performing Arts Center Auditorium
153-10 Jamaica Avenue
Jamaica, NY 11432
5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Public can view meeting via YouTube feed but must participate in-person to testify. Details below.
Interpretation Available: Spanish
This location has the following accessibility option(s) available: Wheelchair Accessible
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Public Hearing
(Public Testimony)
Virtual Zoom Public Hearing where the public can testify live.5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Public can view meeting via YouTube feed or listen via telephone (details below). 
Interpretation Available: Spanish
Thursday, June 15, 2023 Public Hearing
(Public Testimony)
St. Francis College Auditorium
179 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Public can view meeting via YouTube feed but must participate in-person to testify. Details below.
Interpretation Available: Spanish
This location has the following accessibility option(s) available: Wheelchair Accessible
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Public Meeting
(Final Vote)
[Please note that on June 13, 2023, a change in venue was announced: The Final Vote will be held June 21, 2023 at Assembly Hall, Hunter College, East 69th Street between Park and Lexington Avenues, New York, NY 10065.]
Assembly Hall, Hunter College, East 69th Street between Park and Lexington Avenues, New York, NY 100657:00 P.M.
Public can view meeting via YouTube feed and attend in-person (details below).
This location has the following accessibility option(s) available: Wheelchair Accessible

NOTE: The Rent Guidelines Board reserves the right to cancel or reschedule public meetings.


A meeting of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) will be held on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 9:30 A.M. at the Landmarks Preservation Commission Conference Room, David N. Dinkins Manhattan Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10007. The public is invited to attend and observe the proceedings of this meeting in-person.  Members of the public can also livestream the meeting via YouTube at There will be no public testimony at this meeting. 


To ensure that the members of the Rent Guidelines Board are able to deliberate and to hear members of the public with regard to lease adjustments, and that members of the public are able to participate meaningfully in the public meeting and hearing process, items that are reasonably likely to disrupt the proceedings, such as noisemakers and drums, are prohibited and may not be brought into meeting and hearing venues. 

We encourage you to arrive early to avoid delays and help speed the entry of all members of the public. Your cooperation, patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.


Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rule at an in-person public hearing must sign up to speak. People wishing to speak at the in-person public hearings can pre-register in advance. Pre-registration of speakers will begin May 15 at 9:00 A.M. and is advised. You can pre-register online through our website,, or you can sign up to speak by calling 212-669-7480 from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Speakers who would like to pre-register to speak must do so by the following times:

  • by 12:00 P.M. on Friday, June 2 for the June 5 hearing in the Bronx;
  • by 12:00 P.M. on Wednesday, June 7 for the June 8 hearing in Queens [Note that the RGB public hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 8, has been POSTPONED to Monday, June 12 due to hazardous air quality issues. Pre-registration for this hearing has been extended until June 9 at 5 P.M.]; and
  • by 12:00 P.M. on Wednesday, June 14 for the June 15 hearing in Brooklyn.

For those who do not pre-register, registration is also available at the in-person public hearings from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on June 5, June 12 (rescheduled from June 8), and June 15. 

If pre-registering, an exact time for speaking cannot be provided.  However, if you provide the RGB with either your email address or your phone number, you will be informed of your registration number within three business days of your registration.  Speakers who have confirmed their presence on the day of a hearing will be heard in the order of registration.  Public officials may be given priority over other speakers. You may also obtain your registration number by calling the RGB offices at 212-669-7480 during regular business hours, or emailing [email protected].

Written requests for pre-registration must be received at the office of the Board at 1 Centre Street, Suite 2210, New York, NY, 10007 by 12:00 P.M. on the business day prior to the public hearing date.  Written requests for registration can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to the Rent Guidelines Board at the address listed above.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at these hearings. Persons who request that a language interpreter, other than Spanish, or a sign language interpreter or other form of reasonable accommodation for a disability be provided at any of the scheduled hearings must notify Ms. Charmaine Superville at the NYC Rent Guidelines Board at (212) 669-7480 or via email at [email protected] by Tuesday, May 30, 2023 no later than 4:30 P.M.

The public is invited to observe all public meetings and public hearings but is invited to speak only at the public hearings. All public meetings and hearings may be livestreamed from YouTube at:


The RGB will hold a virtual Zoom public hearing on the proposed guidelines on June 13, 2023 beginning at 5 P.M. The public may participate in the hearing online by going to and entering Passcode: 629520 (video) or telephone by dialing 646-558-8656, then when prompted, entering Meeting ID: 876 4595 4472. Directions on how to register to speak can be found below. The public may also view, but not participate in, the hearing via livestream from YouTube at: and by listening on the phone by dialing the number above and when prompted, entering the above Meeting ID.


Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rule at the June 13 virtual public hearing must pre-register to speak. Pre-registration of speakers will begin May 15 at 9:00 A.M. You can pre-register online through our website,, or you can sign up to speak by calling 212-669-7480 from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Speakers who would like to register to speak at our virtual hearing must do so by 12:00 P.M. on Monday, June 12.

The information for joining and/or participating in a hearing (whether registered or not) can be found above or can be obtained by calling our office at 212-669-7480.

You can register online through our website or you can sign up to speak by calling 212-669-7480 from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at this hearing. Persons who request that a language interpreter, other than Spanish, or a sign language interpreter or other form of reasonable accommodation for a disability be provided at any of the scheduled hearings must notify Ms. Charmaine Superville at the NYC Rent Guidelines Board at (212) 669-7480 or via email at [email protected] by Tuesday, May 30, 2023 no later than 4:30 P.M.

The public is invited to observe all public meetings and public hearings but is invited to speak only at the public hearings. All public meetings and hearings may be livestreamed from YouTube at:


Written comments on the proposed rent guidelines must be received by Thursday, June 15, 2023, to be considered before the final vote. Materials can be mailed to the office of the RGB at 1 Centre Street, Suite 2210, New York, N.Y. 10007.  Where possible, we strongly urge you to submit written submissions via email [email protected], through the RGB’s website,, or through NYC RULES at


In addition to written testimony, the RGB is providing platforms for submitting both audio and video comments. Audio and video comments must be received by Thursday, June 15, 2023, to be considered before the final vote. Audio comments can be recorded via voicemail by dialing 929-256-5472.  When prompted, you will have up to two minutes to speak.  You can also submit prerecorded audio and video comments of up to two minutes in length. Instructions for how to submit these prerecorded comments are available on the Board’s website at


Copies of comments submitted online, by email, through voicemail and by video will be available by calling 212-669-7480 or by email at [email protected].  A few weeks after the final hearing a transcript of oral comments concerning the proposed rule made at the hearings will be available. In addition, copies of the existing guidelines and the RGB’s Explanatory Statements from prior years are also available for inspection and copies may be obtained in the manner provided above and on the RGB’s website,



Proposed Order Number 55 – Apartments and Lofts, rent levels for leases commencing October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THE NEW YORK CITY RENT GUIDELINES BOARD BY THE RENT STABILIZATION LAW OF 1969, as amended, and the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, as amended, and as implemented by Resolution No 276 of 1974 of the New York City Council, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 1043 of the New York City Charter, that the Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) hereby proposes the following levels of fair rent increases over lawful rents charged and paid on September 30, 2023. These rent adjustments will apply to rent stabilized apartments with leases commencing on or after October 1, 2023 and through September 30, 2024. Rent guidelines for loft units subject to Section 286, Subdivision 7 of the Multiple Dwelling Law are also included in this order.


Together with such further adjustments as may be authorized by law, the annual adjustment for leases for apartments shall be:

  • For a one-year lease commencing on or after October 1, 2023 and on or before September 30, 2024: 2%-5%                      
  • For a two-year lease commencing on or after October 1, 2023 and on or before September 30, 2024: 4%-7%                    

These adjustments shall also apply to dwelling units in a structure subject to the partial tax exemption program under Section 421-a of the Real Property Tax Law, or in a structure subject to Section 423 of the Real Property Tax Law as a Redevelopment Project.


The Rent Guidelines Board proposes the following levels of rent increase above the “base rent,” as defined in Section 286, Subdivision 4 of the Multiple Dwelling Law, for units to which these guidelines are applicable in accordance with Article 7-C of the Multiple Dwelling Law:

  • For one-year increase periods commencing on or after October 1, 2023 and on or before September 30, 2024: 2%-5%                
  • For two-year increase periods commencing on or after October 1, 2023 and on or before September 30, 2024: 4%-7%                


For the purposes of these guidelines any lease or tenancy for a period up to and including one year shall be deemed a one-year lease or tenancy, and any lease or tenancy for a period of over one year and up to and including two years shall be deemed a two-year lease or tenancy.


Where a lease for a dwelling unit in effect on May 31, 1968 or where a lease in effect on June 30, 1974 for a dwelling unit which became subject to the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, by virtue of the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 and Resolution Number 276 of the New York City Council, contained an escalator clause for the increased costs of operation and such clause is still in effect, the lawful rent on September 30, 2023 over which the fair rent under this Order is computed shall include the increased rental, if any, due under such clause except those charges which accrued within one year of the commencement of the renewal lease. Moreover, where a lease contained an escalator clause that the owner may validly renew under the Code, unless the owner elects or has elected in writing to delete such clause, effective no later than October 1, 2023 from the existing lease and all subsequent leases for such dwelling unit, the increased rental, if any, due under such escalator clause shall be offset against the amount of increase authorized under this Order.


All rent adjustments lawfully implemented and maintained under previous apartment orders and included in the base rent in effect on September 30, 2023 shall continue to be included in the base rent for the purpose of computing subsequent rents adjusted pursuant to this Order.


Under Section 26-513(b)(1) of the New York City Administrative Code, and Section 9(e) of the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, the Rent Guidelines Board is obligated to promulgate special guidelines to aid the State Division of Housing and Community Renewal in its determination of initial legal regulated rents for housing accommodations previously subject to the City Rent and Rehabilitation Law which are the subject of a tenant application for adjustment. The Rent Guidelines Board hereby proposes the following Special Guidelines: 

For dwelling units subject to the Rent and Rehabilitation Law on September 30, 2023, which become vacant after September 30, 2023, the special guideline shall be 27%.


The permissible increase for decontrolled units as referenced in Order 3a which become decontrolled after September 30, 2023, shall be 27%


Rentals charged and paid in excess of the levels of rent increase established by this Order shall be fully credited against the next month’s rent.


The Rent Guidelines Board is authorized to promulgate rent guidelines governing apartment units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, as amended, and the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of these guidelines is to implement the public policy set forth in Findings and Declaration of Emergency of the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 (§26-501 of the N.Y.C. Administrative Code) and in the Legislative Finding contained in the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (L.1974 c. 576, §4 [§2]).

The Rent Guidelines Board is also authorized to promulgate rent guidelines for loft units subject to Section 286, Subdivision 7 of the Multiple Dwelling Law. The purpose of the loft guidelines is to implement the public policy set forth in the Legislative Findings of Article 7-C of the Multiple Dwelling Law (Section 280).

Dated: May 2, 2023


                                                            Nestor Davidson


                                                            New York City Rent Guidelines Board



Proposed Order Number 53 – Hotels, Rooming Houses, Single Room Occupancy Buildings and Lodging Houses.  Rent levels to be effective for leases commencing October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THE NEW YORK CITY RENT GUIDELINES BOARD BY THE RENT STABILIZATION LAW OF 1969, as amended, and the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, as amended, and as implemented by Resolution No. 276 of 1974 of the New York City Council, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 1043 of the New York City Charter, that the Rent Guidelines Board hereby proposes the following levels of fair rent increases over lawful rents charged and paid on September 30, 2023.


This order shall apply to units in buildings subject to the Hotel Section of the Rent Stabilization Law (Sections 26-504(c) and 26-506 of the N.Y.C. Administrative Code), as amended, or the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (L.1974, c. 576 §4[§5(a)(7)]). With respect to any tenant who has no lease or rental agreement, the level of rent increase established herein shall be effective as of one year from the date of the tenant’s commencing occupancy, or as of one year from the date of the last rent adjustment charged to the tenant, or as of October 1, 2023, whichever is later. This anniversary date will also serve as the effective date for all subsequent Rent Guidelines Board Hotel Orders, unless the Board shall specifically provide otherwise in the Order. Where a lease or rental agreement is in effect, this Order shall govern the rent increase applicable on or after October 1, 2023 upon expiration of such lease or rental agreement, but in no event prior to one year from the commencement date of the expiring lease, unless the parties have contracted to be bound by the effective date of this Order.


Pursuant to its mandate to promulgate rent adjustments for hotel units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, as amended, (§26-510(e) of the N.Y.C Administrative Code) the Rent Guidelines Board hereby proposes the following rent adjustments:

The allowable level of rent adjustment over the lawful rent actually charged and paid on September 30, 2023 shall be:

1) Residential Class A (apartment) hotels –        0%

2) Lodging houses –                                           0%

3) Rooming houses (Class B buildings 

containing less than 30 units) –                      0%

4) Class B hotels –                                              0%

5) Single Room Occupancy buildings

     (MDL Section 248 SRO’s) –                             0%


It is expressly understood that the rents collectible under the terms of this Order are intended to compensate in full for all services provided without extra charge on the statutory date for the particular hotel dwelling unit or at the commencement of the tenancy if subsequent thereto. No additional charges may be made to a tenant for such services, however such charges may be called or identified.


The Rent Guidelines Board is authorized to promulgate rent guidelines governing hotel units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969, as amended, and the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of these guidelines is to implement the public policy set forth in Findings and Declaration of Emergency of the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 (§26-501 of the N.Y.C. Administrative Code) and in the Legislative Finding contained in the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (L.1974 c. 576, §4 [§2]).

Dated: May 2, 2023


                                                            Nestor Davidson


                                                            New York City Rent Guidelines Board

NEW YORK, NY 10007

CHARTER §1043(d)

RULE TITLE: 2023 Rent Guidelines


RULEMAKING AGENCY: Rent Guidelines Board

            I certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced proposed rule as required by section 1043(d) of the New York City Charter, and that the above-referenced proposed rule:

(i)      is drafted so as to accomplish the purpose of the authorizing provisions of law;

(ii)      is not in conflict with other applicable rules;

(iii)      to the extent practicable and appropriate, is narrowly drawn to achieve its stated purpose; and

(iv)      to the extent practicable and appropriate, contains a statement of basis and purpose that provides a clear explanation of the rule and the requirements imposed by the rule.

/s/ STEVEN GOULDEN                                  Date:  May 3, 2023

Acting Corporation Counsel

NEW YORK, NY 10007


RULE TITLE: 2023 Rent Guidelines


RULEMAKING AGENCY: Rent Guidelines Board

I certify that this office has analyzed the proposed rule referenced above as required by Section 1043(d) of the New York City Charter, and that the proposed rule referenced above:

(i)      Is understandable and written in plain language for the discrete regulated community or communities;

(ii)      Minimizes compliance costs for the discrete regulated community or communities consistent with achieving the stated purpose of the rule; and

(iii)      Does not provide a cure period because it does not establish a violation, modification of a violation, or modification of the penalties associated with a violation.

     /s/ Francisco X. Navarro                                                    May 3, 2023    

   Mayor’s Office of Operations                                                     Date