Due to COVID-19, the RGB will be convening virtual meetings. Instructions on how to view and/or listen to the meetings will be posted below each meeting.
Meeting archives since 2007 can be found on this page.
Reports presented at each meeting will be available in the RGB Research Reports section of our website shortly after the meeting’s conclusion.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Public Meeting
Time: 9:30 A.M.
April 15, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
The Board will be meeting via videoconference to discuss the 2021 Income and Expense Study and the 2021 Income and Affordability Study. Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- Livestream the meeting via YouTube
- Listen to the meeting using your telephone:
Dial 646-558-8656, then when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 831 2819 0806; when prompted for Participant ID, press #; then when prompted, enter Passcode: 436424.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Public Meeting
Time: 9:30 A.M
April 22, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
The Board will be meeting via videoconference to discuss the 2021 Price Index of Operating Costs and the 2021 Mortgage Survey Report. Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- Livestream the meeting via YouTube
- Listen to the meeting using your telephone:
Dial 646-558-8656, then when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 838 6287 9464; when prompted for Participant ID, press #; then when prompted, enter Passcode: 212985.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Public Meeting
Invited Tenant Groups: 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Invited Owner Groups: 1:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
There will be a break in the meeting from 12 P.M. until 1 P.M.
April 29, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video: Morning Session (Tenants)
Meeting Video: Afternoon Session (Owners)
Meeting Transcript
The Board will hear testimony from invited tenant and owner groups via videoconference.
Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- For the morning session, starting at 9:30 A.M. livestream the meeting via YouTube or using your telephone: Dial 646-558-8656, then, when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 862 4677 8296: when prompted for Participant ID, press #; then when prompted, enter Passcode: 973055.
- For the afternoon session, starting at 1 P.M. livestream the meeting via YouTube or using your telephone: Dial 646-558-8656, then, when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 828 4437 2304: when prompted for Participant ID, press #; then when prompted, enter Passcode: 555397.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Preliminary Vote
Time: 7:00 P.M
May 5, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
Preliminary Vote on lease adjustments for rent stabilized apartments, lofts and hotels. Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- Livestream the meeting via YouTube
- Listen to the meeting using your telephone:
Dial 646-558-8656, then when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 838 8957 7058; when prompted for Participant ID, press #; then when prompted, enter Passcode: 838881.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Public Meeting
Time: 9:30 A.M
June 3, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
The Board will be meeting via videoconference to discuss the 2021 Housing Supply Report and the Changes to the Rent Stabilized Housing Stock in NYC in 2020. Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- Livestream the meeting via YouTube
- Listen to the meeting using your telephone:
Dial 646-558-8656, then when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 828 8426 6962; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 680822.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Public Hearing
Time: 4 P.M. – 7 P.M.*
June 15, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
*End time subject to change if there are registered speakers present who have not yet testified and/or if there is time at the end of the hearing, we will then hear from unregistered speakers on a first-come, first-served basis.
Virtual Public Hearing where the public can testify live. You may pre-register to speak at this hearing until Monday, June 14 at 12 P.M. on our Public Hearing Registration webpage. The public can also submit written, video and voice comments through Thursday, June 17.
If you are not going to testify, you may watch the hearing via the RGB YouTube site. If you are testifying, you must access the meeting either via the Zoom app, or via the telephone.
The public may participate in the video hearing online by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83877223517 and entering Passcode: 403700 or by telephone by dialing 646-558-8656, then when prompted, entering Meeting ID: 838 7722 3517; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 403700.
Further details on testifying can be found in our Public Hearing Testimony Instructions.
Special Instructions for Simultaneous Interpretation in Spanish via telephone on June 15:
If you would like to listen to a hearing with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, and do not have access to the Zoom app (mobile device or computer), you may do so by calling 646-558-8656, then enter:
- UPDATED 6/9/21: Meeting ID: 869 3130 7819; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 705009
If you are listening to the Spanish interpretation by telephone and plan to testify during one of the hearings, you will have to switch over to the main webinar to testify. Your testimony will be interpreted in English for the Board. Shortly before it is your turn to speak, call 646-558-8656, then enter:
- Meeting ID: 838 7722 3517; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 403700.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Public Hearing
Time: 5 P.M. – 9 P.M.*
June 17, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
*End time subject to change if there are registered speakers present who have not yet testified and/or if there is time at the end of the hearing, we will then hear from unregistered speakers on a first-come, first-served basis.
Virtual Public Hearing where the public can testify live. You may pre-register to speak at this hearing until Wednesday, June 16 at 12 P.M. on our Public Hearing Registration webpage. The public can also submit written, video and voice comments through Thursday, June 17.
If you are not going to testify, you may watch the hearing via the RGB YouTube site. If you are testifying, you must access the meeting either via the Zoom app, or via the telephone.
The public may participate in the video hearing online by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84907708770 and enter Passcode: 848480 or by telephone by dialing 646-558-8656, then when prompted, entering Meeting ID: 849 0770 8770; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 848480.
Further details on testifying can be found in our Public Hearing Testimony Instructions.
Special Instructions for Simultaneous Interpretation in Spanish via telephone on June 17:
If you would like to listen to a hearing with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, and do not have access to the Zoom app (mobile device or computer), you may do so by calling 646-558-8656, then enter:
- UPDATED 6/9/21: Meeting ID: 872 8890 3885; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 139724
If you are listening to the Spanish interpretation by telephone and plan to testify during one of the hearings, you will have to switch over to the main webinar to testify. Your testimony will be interpreted in English for the Board. Shortly before it is your turn to speak, call 646-558-8656, then enter:
- Meeting ID: 849 0770 8770; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 848480
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Final Vote
Time: 7 P.M.
June 23, 2021 Agenda
Meeting Video
Meeting Transcript
Final Vote on lease adjustments for rent stabilized apartments, lofts and hotels. Members of the public can attend this meeting using two different methods:
- Livestream the meeting via YouTube
- Listen to the meeting using your telephone:
Dial 646-558-8656, then when prompted, entering Meeting ID: 851 7665 3671; when prompted for Participant ID, pressing #; then when prompted, entering Passcode: 814706.
Meeting agendas will be posted online at least one day prior to each meeting, unless otherwise unavailable.
Meeting transcripts will be posted when completed by transcription service.
Video of past RGB public meetings, hearings, and votes are available on YouTube.
To sign up for RGB Email Announcements, visit the RGB Newsletter Sign Up webpage.